This question is about two tags - dialogue and quote (and to a lesser extent specific-scene).
Dialogue is defined as: Questions related to specific pieces of a work's spoken word.
Quote is: A brief excerpt from a character's lines in a movie for question emphasis or analysis
Are both of these tags necessary? I can see why dialogue is difference from a quote, but looking through question histories it seems that often they've been used interchangeably (often paired with specific-scene as well).
I'm basically seeing do we want to do anything about this, or simply make it clearer.
For example, if a question is about a specific line in the film, is that specific-scene? Or is that specific-scene and quote? If a question is about the meaning of several lines, is that specific-scene and dialogue?
What would people consider the proper use of all of these, as currently I feel, looking at all the dialogue questionsdialogue questions, the quote questionsthe quote questions and the specific scene questionsthe specific scene questions, there is a bit of confusion and lack of consistency over this.