Next sunday sees the celebration of the 88th Annual Academy Awards ("Oscars"). Like last yearlast year this might be a chance to discuss the contenders for the Oscar for Best Picture of the year beforehand. So due to popular opinionpopular opinion we're starting a new weekly topic challenge. From 2016-02-22 00:00 UTC to 2016-02-28 23:00 UTC we encourage you to ask any kind of on-topic question on the main site about any of the Oscar nominees for Best Picture (in particular the-big-short, bridge-of-spies, brooklyn, mad-max-fury-road, the-martian, the-revenant, room and spotlight).
Once the challenge is over we'll tally the results and winners (by question votes) here. Also don't forget to suggest new topicssuggest new topics for our next possible challenge. And you might also want to check out our live chat eventlive chat event during the actual ceremony.