As you might know, the topic of identification questions has been a rather controversial one over the site's entire history. About 6.5 years ago, the site decided to ban these questions as off-topic. However, as time went by users have grown concerned that this might have been a wrong decision. Therefore, we recently had and have a discussion about what we want to do with these questions and specifically if and in what capacity we might possibly want to welcome them back on the site again.
Over the last month people shared various viewpoints in that discussion and the most popular ones argue for bringing back identification questions in some form. However, a part of the userbase is concerned that this won't actually happen, due to a lack of trust in the moderation team as well as somewhat of a felt dependency on clear moderator statements about these issues, as also recently addressed in a follow-up question. So first of all, in an effort to clear some of these doubts, let the moderator team acknowledge that we have seen this discussion and that the community would like these questions back in some capacity. So let's get this process rolling then!
Another concern by some users was that the past decision for banning identification questions hadn't involved enough community participation. So we would like this process to be as transparent and community-driven as possible. It is clear the userbase has changed its mind to a significant degree, so we want to try and involve everyone to participate in making these questions work again.
We know that some users have been waiting for a change in this regard for a while and would prefer to see swift work made of it by the push of a button. However, we also have to see and acknowledge that a significant part of the discussion has been about regulating these questions in some form or another, in order to reign in the quality problems that once caused them to be banned. And in the same way as we can't ignore the general consensus of having these questions back, neither can we ignore this part of the discussion. So rather than outright unbanning and reopening all the questions immediately, we'd prefer the community would work at least some of these issues out, so we have a base to work with and can find some agreement on how to proceed with these questions once they're back. Let's use the current state to prepare for a smooth arrival of identification questions once we open the gates for them again.
We are in the privileged position that we already have years of experience with these questions and possible methods for improving them. This is not to say everything we tried back then worked (if it had, we wouldn't be in this situation) or that we didn't make mistakes. But we don't have to start at square one and see what questions we get. Many of us who've been there still know and can share this experience together with some constructive solutions. In addition to that, we also have some new tools at our hands, which arose in the meantime.
First of all, we adapted the identification close-reason to better reflect this transient state of the policy and to encourage working this stuff out. We know it's a bit weird having the close-reason there while not being fully clear on which questions are actually okay. But in fact you are encouraged to also use specific examples of them to show what should or shouldn't be appropriate in a future policy and also close- and/or reopen-vote them accordingly. Understand this as kind of a reorientation phase similar to the early beta site period, where we are finding our exact policy with the help of specific examples. However, please try to ultimately have the meta discussion find its way back here, instead of engaging in lengthy comment threads under each and every individual question.
In addition to that, also consider specific guidelines you think might make sense for these questions. Do we want to require specific hard facts about the films in question with regards to time frame, language, actors, scenes? Anything else you can think of? How many of these facts are enough? How precise is precise enough?
Then also think about the technical tools at our hands. Do we still need an explicit close-reason or do we rather want to handle specific questions on a case-by-case basis with the existing close-reasons? In the former case, what should it look like? Back in the day we also had a tag warning (well, we still have, only it's an error right now). It seems a good idea to bring it back, but what should go into it? Then we also have the newer feature of a customizable question asking wizard, as also addressed in this discussion. Do we want to address identification questions specifically there? And what should go into it?
Yes, this process requires some work, but it doesn't have to take months, like some of you are afraid of. We don't have to have all the answers immediately and we don't need a completely fleshed-out plan for each and every technical site feature, but we would like the community to share their ideas on this and involve them in the process of getting these questions back as much as possible, in an effort to have the transparency and community agency some still see lacking here. If noone shows up at all because noone actually cares, then that would be unfortunate. If you say "Requirements? Nah, don't need them at all!" and suddenly get unanimous applause, then that's what it is. And if all we get are some rough ideas of what could possibly be done, then the site has to work from this. But at the very least we want you to think about it and to talk about it while the site is still preparing for the questions' arrival. We know it's a bit confusing with all these related discussions going on right now and some of this could have gone into the more general discussion. However, now that we know the questions are coming back, let's focus specifically on how they're coming back and which ones we want to actually bring back.
We'd like to close this with an appeal to be nice. This has always been a controversial issue and it will likely stay one for a while. On the one hand, this means being nice and welcoming to the new users who come here with their question (who might also not be aware that we're currently in somewhat of a transition phase). But this also means being nice to experienced users who might not necessarily share your specific views on this issue in all aspects. Working this out as a community is the goal here and with as diverse an issue, this is quite a journey. So let's stop walking and start running.