Recently, we got a sneak peek on how our latest evaluation turned out and our status is looking great!
However, we are not quite there just yet.
This is my second "Call to Arms" post, the first being my post about additional Analysis questions
Essentially, this is a notice to the users stating something plain and simple.
Just because you see an answer to a question already, doesn't mean that your input isn't valuable at all.
Granted, while most additions to an answer can probably be summarized in a comment, if you feel that you have something original, thought-provoking, and all around an alternative to the answers already given to a question, feel free to post your own answer!
Again, make sure your input is reasonable. If it is just one line of content, chances are, it should be a comment either to the question or an existing answer. However, if you feel you are filling up that comment box with your own take on the answer and feel it is worth having, go on, challenge.
More users challenging answers with their own take, the more content we get for the site and the more interesting reads we can have by all!
Heck, this is even ok if the question already has an accepted answer.
Be mindful, however, as we will still be moderating the site like normal and low quality answers get auto-flagged by the system. In addition, like I pointed out if you see something that should be a comment, FLAG IT.