I have a question about identifying a vehicle, I am trying to ask this in the car maintenance section but when I try to upload a picture I get this error

enter image description here

What am I doing wrong???? I have seen loads of people upload screens of movies and TV shows to this forum (Movies & TV). Is there a way to get the pictures past the auto censor or is it just because of the forum I am in?

1 Answer 1


Issues relating to the stackexchange platform in general can be asked on meta.stackoverflow.com. I don't think this is a particular issue to the mechanics site.

There are a number of similar error messages reported on meta.stackoverflow, some relating to specific browsers, some relating to browser plugins, and one that indicates its due to the size of the image being larger than Imgur (the image host) allows. This last one seems to be the most likely for you. Is the image you are uploading large?

  • Yeah relatively, I will look at shrinking it and try again. Thanks.
    – user7829
    Mar 3, 2014 at 16:16
  • So now we are competing with main meta ;)
    – Ankit Sharma Mod
    Mar 5, 2014 at 17:13

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