We have been in Beta for just a little bit over 900 days now, which is 1000% of the minimal required number of days. (I am aware that this is just the minimum, still: impressive)
First of all, I am very happy we made it this far in the first place and I just love the site. I come here more and more frequently to read interesting questions and answer and help people out. I think we have a very good community with a lot of movie and TV knowledge and can be proud of our 95% answer rate, which is quite a lot considering that this is a field with some very hard questions about sometimes obscure works of art.
One problem I see is that many avid users, me among them, are eager for graduation, but the whole process is very untransparent.
Apart from the odd self evaluation, it has gone very silent since our last discussion about this topic and I think it would be helpful to know where we stand. As I understand our moderators have no direct line to the powers that be or at least cannot get any update on this.
My main question is:
Does SE expect us (as the community) to further develop the site before a graduation is possible or is there another reason (out of our hands) why it has not happened yet?
If the site is just not quite there yet, what exactly are areas that need to improve so that a graduation gets more likely?
While improving the site overall by getting more questions per day, more avid users and a better Meta participation is always a goal for us, it would certainly be useful to know if we should focus or efforts in any particular direction.
If we would know where SE sees our weaknesses, I am certain that many users would be additionally motivated to improve the site in that direction, whereas the current silence might be demotivating for some.
Overall I think our stats and development look very good (we rank second among betas in traffic and we have many high rep users), but of course I don't have all the facts.
PS: I am aware there is a similar question from 2012, but I really think we should revisit this topic and try to get new input.