With the celebration of "Back to the Future Day" on October the 21st 2015 (the day Marty and Doc traveled to in Back to the Future 2) and due to popular demand we're starting a new weekly topic challenge from 2015-10-21 00:00 UTC to 2015-10-28 23:00 UTC asking for questions about the intricacies of time travel in movies and TV-shows. From plot-explanations of weird paradoxa in specific movies to general questions regarding the variants for depicting time travel on the screen.1
Once the challenge is over, we'll tally the results and winners (by question votes) here. Also don't forget to suggest and vote for new topics for our next possible challenge.
1) This might be a rather fuzzy definition of the topic and might thus come with difficulties in assessing the eligible questions, especially since we shouldn't really encourage an over-abundant usage of the time-travel tag. But I guess with some reasonable thought put into it and a little leniency, it shouldn't be too difficult to sort out what questions really concentrate on problems inherent to time travel and what are unrelated plot explanation questions.