The 25 character limit on tag names has always been a problem for this site, due to our policy of tagging questions with the titles of the movies they're about as accurately as possible and the fact that those movies could often have rather long titles. This has lead to many compromises and workarounds and has largely been accepted as a natural fact, an unchangeable problem with the tagging system.
But before you call me out on exactly that and refer me to one of the many big disillusioning main meta posts about this issue, see what actually just happened on Meta Literature SE. It seems our paper-oriented colleagues were the final drop:
This can be increased, but only up to a maximum of 35 characters...
I increased the allowed length to 32...
So the tag length limit on Literature.SE just got increased to 32 (out of possible 35), which marks a significant precedence for at least reducing a years-long problem. And in fact it already inspired similar per-site feature-requests using this precedent on Science-Fiction & Fantasy, Arqade and possibly others.
I'd thus hereby chime into this exciting new development and open this up for reconsideration here, too. So, can we please increase the tag length limit on our site (if not the whole network), preferably to the maximum of 35, or at least the 32 Literature got?
Apparently, Arqade also got a (trial) increase to the full 35 characters in the wake of this.