I have cast the final reopen-vote along with a few tweaks to the question. It is certainly surfing the fuzzy edge of list/first-appearance/has-there-ever questions, an edge worth guarding against useless lists based on random nonsense criteria. All the existing close-votes were for "recommendation", which kind of makes sense as the go-to reason for list questions, but if we take a closer look at the actual question, we'll see it's a lot more than that.
The question makes a strong point for it being a rare scenario (based on prior research) and for how that makes it relevant historically. Therefore, it doesn't necessarily even have to strongly concentrate on the first-appearance aspect to make sense as a reasonable question, so I deliberately left it straddling between first-appearance and is-there-any, since while the latter can be a little open-ended, concentrating on the former would be just...bland. There is a good point made for there not being any to begin with.
However, this is not an invitation for random answers throwing a movie name at the wall and seeing what happens. You got a reopened question asking for a curiosity in film-making, now give it the elaborate answers it deserves. But I'd prefer policing the answers rather than shutting off a question that does go to the extra effort of separating itself from the random nonsense lists we actually discourage here.
For more discussion on the difficult question of what a list question even is and to which degree they are appropriate questions, this old discussion might offer some insight, too.