I enjoy film and good TV sometimes as well, and from time to time I'll ask a few questions here.
It was recently suggested that Rob Lowe said "I won't work for (Orion Pictures) again for all the money in the world" in 1984. Is that what happened? seemed like a "trivia question".
That's going to be somewhat subjective; one person's trivia is another person's fundamentally interesting information.
I said that
A decision to never work for a movie studio again at the beginning of an actor's career is a monumental decision, and to announce it so publicly has consequences.
Maybe there are some guidelines that can be helpful for judging if a given question is likely to be seen as trivial or not here. For the purposes of asking questions here, are events in actors' lives and what they say about their careers fundamentally less interesting than events in movies and what the characters the actors play say?
I'm simply asking for assistance with question-asking, thanks!