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Can a person earn Peer Pressure badge more than once?

Is a person eligible to earn the badge peer pressure more than once, if he deletes more than one question with score less than -3?
codeczar's user avatar
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Is there a tool/way to show what rewards (badges etc.) were bestowed as a result of a particular question?

I've been reading up on some of the older questions just out of interest and found myself wondering what was awarded as a result of them. For example, it's clear what reputation points were awarded ...
Dave's user avatar
  • 12.6k
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Where is my Proofreader badge?

For Proofreader badge badge we need to Approved or rejected 100 suggested edits So why didn't I got it. As per the stats, I have completed 101 Suggested Edits. There are only four users on ...
Ankit Sharma's user avatar
  • 119k
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How do you earn the Strunk & White badge?

It says on the Badges page "Edited 80 posts". When you click the link below it says I've 102 edits. Are only certain types of edits eligible for the badge or is this an error? https://movies....
PriestVallon's user avatar
  • 10.3k
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“Analytical” badge wasn't awarded

Analytical badge is awarded to those who read all the sections of FAQ. I am pretty sure that I read all the sections of FAQ, but I did not see analytical badge on my profile. I also tried using "...
Vijin Paulraj's user avatar