If a question is on-topic on two sites, it's up to the asker to pick a site. Questions about SF movies can be asked here or on [Science Fiction & Fantasy](http://scifi.stackexchange.com/), and should generally not be migrated since they wouldn't be off-topic on the target site.

[Do not post a question on both sites.](https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/64068/is-it-possible-to-post-questions-across-a-couple-of-the-sites-because-its-debata/64073#64073) If you have an SF movie question, you might want to drop a link in the [SF&F chatroom](http://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/198/mos-eisley).

See also [How do we handle conflicts with the Literature and Movies sites?](https://scifi.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/626/when-the-literature-stack-exchange-site-goes-live-how-do-we-handle-conflicts) on the SF&F meta.