#Final Results
Why didn't Terrence Howard play Jim Rhodes (Rhodey) in Iron Man 2?
Net Score: 15 (Excellent: 16, Satisfactory: 7, Needs Improvement: 1)
Which is the first parody film?
Net Score: 13 (Excellent: 14, Satisfactory: 9, Needs Improvement: 1)
Who is the daughter of John Spartan in Demolition Man?
Net Score: 11 (Excellent: 13, Satisfactory: 8, Needs Improvement: 2)
How could Carl run or jump when he is using apparatus for his walking?
Net Score: 8 (Excellent: 9, Satisfactory: 12, Needs Improvement: 1)
Where is Lost Girl supposed to be based?
Net Score: 5 (Excellent: 6, Satisfactory: 15, Needs Improvement: 1)
Net Score: -5 (Excellent: 2, Satisfactory: 12, Needs Improvement: 7)
Net Score: 5 (Excellent: 7, Satisfactory: 12, Needs Improvement: 2)
What ammo does the Jonah Hex's super weapon fire?
Net Score: 8 (Excellent: 10, Satisfactory: 8, Needs Improvement: 2)
What was the last movie to have a souvenir program available at showings?
Net Score: 7 (Excellent: 8, Satisfactory: 11, Needs Improvement: 1)
What was the inspiration for the trampoline storyline in "Aerodynamics of Gender"?
Net Score: 5 (Excellent: 6, Satisfactory: 11, Needs Improvement: 1)