Reading this thoughtful answer to the question, "Why are we down-voting off-topic ID questions?" it occurs to me that a useful feature might be to have an automated "Community" comment address questions from users which satisfy the following conditions:
- Question posted by a user with less than 100 reputation points
- Question tagged with "Identify This Movie"
- Question is issued a vote to close.
Presumably users with less than 100 reputation points are fairly new and may not have done much more than taken the tour.
Paulie_D's "canned" response seems more than adequate:
Please try to add anything that may help identification. When was it released? Was it in Color or Black & White? What time period was it showing? What country was it likely from or what language was it in? Are there any other plot details you remember? Descriptions of scenes or names of characters or actors you can give? Anything at all? Feel free to [edit] any additional details into the question. For help writing a good identification question, see: [Identify-This-X Questions].
...and at the very least it would spare him the heavy lifting!
Possible additional conditions:
- the question asker has not earned the "Informed" badge;
- the question asker has just joined on movies&tv.SE (within a week?)
- the question asker has less than 100 reputation points on movies&tv.SE and less than 100 on any other sites they are members of.
- the question asker has less than 100 reputation on other sites and less than 50 on movies&tv.SE
- the question asker has only 1 reputation point on movies&tv.SE
Presumably, the site will always attract questions from folks trying to find the name of that movie which is on the tip of their tongue. Certainly we do not want to encourage poor quality questions, however, we do want to encourage a community which encourages useful questions being asked. Automating the basic, "here's how to do it" when a vote to close is issued would also let other user's focus on editing the question so it is more intelligible (especially so when ESL users are asking) and making suggestions.
A typical example of what I see:
Thriller set in a house near a cemetery with a chauffeur driving a pink car
Not so much as a "welcome to M&TV.SE!" and a ton of confusing edits to a bewildered first time user. As was, the original question was intelligible and answerable. Seems like the rush to insist upon a perfectly worded and formatted question is doing more harm than good.
Perhaps given some of the suggestions here, automatically commenting "identify this" tagged questions with a comment including a link to the guidelines is the way to go. (Per Paulie_D's post, this would require an html tag for the guidelines). Also, per Napolean's comment here, listing "Identifying a Movie or TV series" as the second item in the tour regarding what kind of questions to ask is "to be changed"...