Allow me to point something out real quick at this stage. The question has since been altered and re-opened. Not by any one moderator, nor did any one moderator close the question. But these decisions were handled by the community
This is the beauty of the SE network at work here. Everything boils down to community opinion and work. The moderators are only really here to enforce the policies laid out by the community and keep everything as clean as possible.
My overall opinion on this stands as follows:
Make it work.
There are a lot of exceptions on this site when it comes to overall SE rules. Just take a look at anything tagged analysis if you don't believe me.
And that's where, I think, this site truly shines. When we have an exception, we make it work and make it work rather well. Analysis pieces specifically don't exactly have one correct answer but rather a bunch of ideas that people have and flesh out. Some make more sense than others, and some are just...odd. But nevertheless, with proper writing, evidence, and a bit of thought, these questions and answers work for our site.
Now, back to this example.
The simple answer to the question is Yes, because the creator said so [link to article stating so]
My problems begin right with how the question is worded because you answer it yourself in the text of the question.
Following this up with an example, again answering it yourself, followed by a repeat of the question "Are there any more seemingly deliberate homages anyone can find an example of?" A statement that implies the nature of the question I payed the most attention to:
*A list which denotes that there is no accepted answer*.
And therein lies the difference between a list and an analysis. An analysis, while may not have one correct answer, has at least one ACCEPTED answer. An answer that is known as the one decided by community vote and asker approval that answers the question despite multiple theories being present, this accepted answer is the answer.
This cannot be true of a list question because each answer is equally correct to signify one as the accepted marks all the others as essentially not as good when this is not as true.
Specifically one last thing about your question that turns me off about it is the use of the word Discussion.
This. Is. Not. A. Forum.
This is also not an IMDB clone which is what most list questions seek to be, a direct copy of the trivia section of IMDB.
This is a place:
- To get answers
- To provide information on what you have found in your own time (in the form of a "Blog Overflow")
- To answer QUESTIONS that other users have.
If you want a discussion, we have a chat room for that purpose or this Meta.
Your question can be valid and interesting with some work, and that is what it requires IMO. I will leave it to you to best re-work your question (it wouldn't be the first with a major overhaul and it certainly won't be the last) in order to get it re-opened for a proper setting.