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6 votes

Yearling badge twice in 2 days?

The badge has a very simple algorithm. As quoted by Jeff Atwood: You'll get the yearling badge as long as you have at least (Years * 200) rep by the target date. Details on how the Yearling badge ...
iandotkelly's user avatar
  • 54.5k
5 votes

Why can't this user post multiple YouTube links in one question?

status-bydesign They are part of new user restrictions. A new user cannot post more than eight hyperlinks in their questions and answers. From Privileges section: New users cannot: post more than ...
Nog Shine's user avatar
  • 11.1k
4 votes

Movies & TV Tour Display Bug

This isn't a bug, this is a design choice In the tour, these are just example Question and Answers. You are intended to be reading the text to the left, for example "Just questions...." or "... and ...
iandotkelly's user avatar
  • 54.5k
1 vote

Question showing more views. Why?

Since the view counter is obviously just showing the number accurate to the order of thousands in that place (as noticable from the K), it's rounding to the nearest multiple of 1,000. It would be ...
Napoleon Wilson's user avatar

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